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January 1, 1970

Humans threaten 1 million species with extinction: UN report

People are putting nature in more trouble now than at any other time in human history, with extinction looming over 1 million species of plants and animals, scientists said... Discover more

Landmark buildings go dark to shine light on climate change

People light candles and form the “60+” sign during the Earth Hour environment campaign in Cali, Valle del Cauca department, Colombia, on Saturday. Earth Hour, which started in Australia... Discover more

Hong Kong landmarks, buildings go dim on Earth Hour 2018

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今年是“地球一小时”进入中国的第10年。今年的地球一小时中国主题为“开启我的60+生活”。60+的概念由WWF提出,历经全球十余年的推广和发展,已经成为“地球一小时”的核心理念,呼吁公众超越“60分钟”的思考和环保行动转变。 Discover more

响应“地球一小时”号召 天府熊猫塔熄灯一小时_凤凰资讯

为响应“地球一小时”号召,倡导60+环保生活理念,共同维护地球这个美丽家园,天府熊猫塔于昨日20:30-21:30关闭除广播电视用电、设备用电、消防用电、航标灯用电以及经营用电的所有灯光。“地球一小时(Earth Hour)”是世界自然基金会应对全球气候变化所提出的一项全球性节能活动,提倡每年三月的最后一个星期六当地时间20:30,家庭及商界用户关上不必要的电灯及耗电产品一小时。 Discover more


所谓“地球一小时”,这个在2007年由澳大利亚悉尼市发起的活动,其最新解释是:地球一小时(Earth Hour)是世界自然基金会(WWF)应对全球气候变化所提出的一项全球性节能活动,提倡于每年三月的最后一个星期六当地时间晚上20:30,家庭及商界用户关上不必要的电灯及耗电产品一小时,以此来表明他们对应对气候变化行动的支持。 Discover more

UN: Humans Put 1 Million Species at Risk of Extinction

The accelerating loss of clean air, drinkable water, CO2-absorbing forests, pollinating insects, protein-rich fish and storm-blocking mangroves to name but a few of the dwindling services rendered by nature... Discover more

Sejuta Spesies Bakal Punah karena Ulah Manusia

Hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati erat kaitannya dengan pemanasan global, menurut laporan untuk pemangku kebijakan setebal 44 halaman, yang diringkas dari laporan penilaian sains PBB terkait keadaan alam setebal 1.800 halaman. Discover more

One million species risk extinction due to humans: Draft UN report

Up to one million species face extinction due to human influence, according to a draft UN report obtained by AFP that painstakingly catalogues how humanity has undermined the natural... Discover more

Forum Ilmuwan PBB: 1 Juta Spesies Hewan dan Tumbuhan Terancam Punah

Secara keseluruhan ada sekitar 1 juta spesies hewan dan tumbuhan yang terancam kepunahan dalam beberapa dekade ke depan, kata laporan terbaru Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem... Discover more